Our Philosophy
Our Philosophy
At Star Academy Jhunjhunu, the chief objective is to educate children by providing them with an environment, which takes care of their aptitudes and interests. It gives them opportunity to develop and demonstrate their natural abilities. Also it imparts a broad based education so as to enable them to become worthy and dynamic leaders who can make useful contribution to a changing and technologically advancing world; to develop the physical, intellectual, cultural and spiritual aspects of the child&lsquot;s personality by providing them with experience and practical skills.
Objectives ...
- To promote all round development of the child.
- To stimulate love for learning for a lifetime.
- To develop physical, mental, social and spiritual fitness.
- To inculcate the competitiveness and desire to perform with excellence
- To provide world-class infrastructure and facilities
- To encourage team spirit, and to nurture individual and group excellence
- To foster human values that help the student face the challenges of life.
Values ...
Respect, Responsibility, Hard Work, Concern for Others

Centre of Excellence ...
The school strives to be known for its excellence in teaching, by providing students with the highest quality instructions, library and lab resources required for comprehensive learning and bringing out the hidden talents of the students through co-curricular activities.
The schools&lsquot; management is committed to provide quality education, and to do so a perfect blend of experienced educationists and a young breed of energetic teachers comprise the faculty.
‘‘ We expect from our students discipline, respect for self and others alongwith the motivation to achieve - at all times in all endeavours - their personal best. Indeed- our curriculum demands this.