CBSE Affiliation Code - 1730783 Nursery to Class Xth Mandatory Disclosure

School Uniform

School Uniform

School Uniform


Uniform gives students a sense of unity, at OWS it comes with a style.

Students are required to wear proper uniform and display their Student ID Cards at all times.

  • Students must be dressed in complete uniform on all days. We have a zero tolerance policy towards tardy uniform.
  • Girls are permitted to wear only studs in their ears. Any other jewellery is not permitted and shall be confiscated. Boys are not permitted to wear any jewellery.
  • All boys must keep their hair short. Exceptions on religious grounds will be made.
  • Hair streaking, hair extensions, coloured lip balms, nail polish and shortening of shirt sleeves among girl students is prohibited. Children found violating this rule will not be allowed to class until it is rectified.
  • Students are expected to wear the pullover/sweaters/blazer as per the school uniform code only.