CBSE Affiliation Code - 1730783 Nursery to Class Xth Mandatory Disclosure

Our Management

Founder, Star Academy School

I strongly believe “Education is not the Learning of facts, But the training of the mind to think.”

In the present era of modernization, competitiveness and rapid changes where education is losing the real meaning and has become a synonym of earning bread and butter. There is an intense need of educational system which can provide highest degree of academic excellence with adequate opportunities for mental, physical, emotional and social growth of students. Star Academy School Jhunjhunu is such an institute which is determined to provide modern, scientific education with the equal chances of development of various skills to make students aware of their unlimited hidden potential.

Star Academy School Jhunjhunu with its modern, technically advanced, child centered and eco-friendly infrastructure will prove itself a place giving freedom of learning, making child eager and spontaneous to learn. Moreover, with academic achievement, we equally emphasize on values, spirituality and positive attitude in life.

Founder, Star Academy School

MR. J.K. Gahlot

MR. J.K. Gahlot


Modernization, globalization and industrialization has totally changed the world around us. Now we have become a global citizen. Today tremendous opportunities lie at our footsteps. But people with grit, sound academic base, polished skills, ample confidence, good health, calm attitude, independent thinking and good exposure can grab them and climb the ladder of success. Here at Star Academy School Jhunjhunu with appropriate modern curriculum, well trained experienced teachers, activity based learning congenial and interactive environment we help our students to transform in a productive and good future citizens. We offer a lot of love, abundant care and opportunities to our students. We want them to play big roles in the society and to make their mark where ever they stand. The school organizes many activities throughout the year, where qualities like leadership and self-discipline are inculcated. We are determined to produce future leaders, with scientific temperament and positive attitude.


MR. A.K. Gahlot

MR. A.K. Gahlot