CBSE Affiliation Code - 1730783 Nursery to Class Xth Mandatory Disclosure

Fee Structure

Fee Structure

Fee Structure



An English Medium Co-Educational School
Bakra Road,Near Railway Crossing,Jhunjhunu Mob: 9983783621,9983785621

Fee Chart (2022-23)


Ist Installment

(At the time of Admission)

IInd Installment(October)
PLAYGROUP  11700  9000  20700
NURSERY  12000  10000  22000
LKG  13600 9000  22600
UKG  13700  10000  23700
I  14500  10000  24500
II  15500  10000  25500
III  16000  10300  26300
IV  16500  11800  28300
V  17000  13300  30300
VI  18000  14000


VII  19000  15000  34000
VIII  20000  18000  38000
IX  21000  20000  41000
X  23500 21000  44500

Fee Rules

  • School fee must be paid on time as per the timelines communicated to the parents/guardians via the Fee Policy.
  • Fee will be charged for all 12 calendar months. Kindly refer to the Fee Policy for the exact amount to be paid.
  • No student will be allowed to appear for the examination unless all dues are cleared.
  • Penalty as mentioned in the Fee Policy will be charged in case fee is paid after the stipulated date.
  • Incomplete payment of fee will be treated as non-payment of fee and will be subject to a late-fee penalty.
  • If there is a regular delay in fee payment, student’s name will be struck off the rolls. Parents/Guardians will then have to apply for re-admission.